29 Nov Let’s Talk About Love
A seminar on finding love, falling out of love…and much more
They say that love makes the world go around. But what is love? Why do we fall in love? Can we choose who we fall in love with? Is there such a thing as healthy and unhealthy love? Do you know your “love style”?
For centuries, poets, philosophers and historians have struggled to agree on a definition of “love”. On February 11th 2019, British psychotherapist and Monaco resident Gavin Sharpe will host the seminar at CREM (Foreign Residents’ Club of Monaco) “Let’s Talk About Love” in which he will offer a modern day definition of “love”.
In this informative and fun seminar, Gavin will offer evidence to support the premise that we come into the world seeking love. Our brains are hardwired to find romantic love. It’s out of our control. Gavin will demonstrate that the chemicals produced in romantic love are similar to amphetamines like cocaine. He will discuss how love can go awry, and how we can recognise and rescue damaged relationships.
This is a seminar for anyone who has ever been in love, who is in love, who wants to fall in love or simply curious about love!
Gavin Sharpe is U.K. qualified counsellor, psychotherapist and coach. He works with individuals and couples looking to make profound changes in their relationships and lives. Prior to working as therapist, Gavin was a lawyer and entrepreneur living and working in London.
“Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses.”— Lao Tzu