Life Coaching


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Life Coaching

What is a life coach? A life coach is a professional who helps you reach your goals and/or make changes in your life. I provide clients with the tools to break emotional barriers and to face difficult situations with greater confidence. Counselling or therapy can be relevant but if you have not experienced major difficulties in your life, coaching might be a more appropriate alternative.

Specific outcomes of life coaching often include:

  • A change in career
  • Unlocking “stuckness” in a particular area of your life
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Better relationships with key people in your life (at work or at home)
  • Managing stress
  • Juggling multiple roles e.g. work, family, career
  • Creating a life compass and vision for your life
  • Identifying your values, strengths and goals
  • Managing periods of transition
  • Ending a negative pattern of behaviour or thinking

I support and encourage individuals to fulfil their potential and make the most of their lives. My principal aim is to empower individuals to take control of their situation in areas such as, careers, relationships, health and fitness, work-life balance and self-confidence. Sports coaches enable athletes to hone their skills so that they can maximise their sporting abilities. Similarly life coaching enables individuals to improve their strengths and build upon their weaknesses so that they may maximise their potential.

Together we can explore what is happening in your life and work towards building your unique life compass and life plan enabling you to make the changes you desire.

Executive Coaching

What is an executive coach?

An executive coach typically empowers CEOs, board directors and other key executive talent to work through challenges and changes in the workplace.

Drawing on my 20 years’ experience of working in an executive capacity, I work with senior leaders acting as a sounding board with the intention to challenge thinking, stimulate creativity and build greater confidence.

Specific outcomes of executive coaching often include:

  • Higher productivity and profits
  • Improved self-confidence and greater ‘leadership presence’
  • Enhanced ability to manage complex relationships – including managing upwards.
  • Improved ’emotional intelligence’ – self-awareness, self-management, empathy and work based relationships
  • Improved interpersonal skills – including influencing, motivating, presenting, and resolving conflict
  • Improved networking and business development skills.
  • Awareness of “blind spots” and attitudes that hold executives back

Executives who engage in coaching build their confidence and productivity, thereby boosting their individual and organisational success.

High-performing organisations are learning organisations.  They maximise the use of all their assets.  Specifically they maximise the use of their greatest asset: people.

I work both with organisations and individuals to ensure that each party has the opportunity to maximise their desired outcomes.